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Group Meeting


We have conducted a meeting for the preparation of our upcoming Legal Aid Booth. Every group member contributed some ideas. At the end, we managed to determine a number of tasks that must be accomplished before the Legal Aid Booth. For example, we have to create social media platforms, design promotional tool and write correspondence letter. The tasks have been assigned among us.

4 December 2022, SUNDAY

Task Distribution

The task distribution has been listed as below for a clearer view :



Public Relation Officer

As a public relation officer, Loh Yee Shin will be responsible to communicate with lecturer and Jabatan Pembangunan dan Penyenggaraan (JPP) UUM. She will consult Dr. Ain for advice before the submission of proposal. Not only that, she will represent us to deal with JPP to seek for approval to hold our legal aid booth at DKG 1, College of Business, UUM. Otherwise, our legal aid booth cannot run smoothly. She also will invite the lecturers to visit our legal aid booth.

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Our group decided to set up a legal aid booth on the topic of “What You Should Know After A Death: The Laws of Will Making & Estate Planning”, which mainly discussed on the execution of will or wasiyyah in the country. It will be the task of Chong Xiao Yun to do all the necessary research and disseminate the results for the study of the other group members. The purpose is to ensure that every group member is knowledgeable about the topic of our discussion. However, all the other group members will try to research for additional information if some of us still feel doubt to certain topic.

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Administrative task will be in charge by Lokya Ting. She will prepare google form to assess the knowledge and understanding of the UUM community towards the execution of will or wasiyyah. The collected data is important to identify our scope of discussion in legal aid booth. Besides, she will create another google form for collecting feedback from our participants. The feedback form is important for us to evaluate the effectiveness of our event. It should be noted that the questions which posted through google form will be reviewed by all the group members before distributing. This step is taken to minimize the error that may happen.  

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Multimedia Designer 

Ain Shafiqah binti Abd Rahman is our multimedia designer. It is undeniable that an attractive website will grab the attention from the public. Hence, Ain Shafiqah who possess a high degree of creativity is the appropriate person to in charge of this task. We will assist Ain Shafiqah to design poster, brochure, banner and infographic together due to the high burden of workload. Apart from that, Ain Shafiqah will take photo during the event day.

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We decided to prepare some small gifts for our participants to express our gratitude. Siti Aisyah will help to prepare for the small gifts.  She will determine on the budget and quantity of the gifts. The gifts will be reasonably priced, and the estimated number of gifts will be sufficient for all our participants on the event day.  


9 December 2022, FRIDAY

We convened another meeting to track the progress of every group member. The purpose is to ensure everyone able to complete their tasks on time. We also discussed the difficulties that we encountered while completing the tasks and worked together to solve them.


A short video to show our meeting for SULAM : 

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