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Image by Headway

Post Event

After the event had successfully been held, we made an evaluation through a feedback form that we asked the Respondent to fill in and we also conducted a meeting for a post-mortem purpose to assess the quality of our event. 

Analysis from Feedback Form

On the day that we open our Legal Aid Booth, we asked the Respondents to fill in our feedback form after giving explanations on the matters related to wassiyah/will. At the end of the day, we managed to collect 48 Respondents in total. Herewith we attached the analysis of our feedback. 

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From this, we can see that majority of the Respondents are satisfied with our Legal Aid Booth. 40 of the Respondents rated 5 and 8 remaining Respondents rated 4 which shows their high satisfaction with our Legal Aid Booth. With a high satisfaction rate, our Legal Aid Booth is conducted successfully. 

Next, we also wanted to know whether our Legal Aid Booth was able to meet the expectations of Respondents and from the feedback collected, majority of the Respondents rated for 5 showing that our booth had successfully meet their expectations. 

Not only that, to ensure the effectiveness of the information shared during the event, we made an inquiry on whether the knowledge shared is relevant and helpful to the Respondent. The results show that 42 of them (87.5%) rated 5 and 6 of them (12.5%) rated for 4. Hence,  this shows that they fully agreed that the information shared through the Legal Aid Booth is relevant and helpful. 

Furthermore, we also ask the Respondents whether they will be recommending our legal booth to their friends and the majority of them rated 5 and 4  which in our view shows that all of the Respondents are in agreement that they will likely recommend their friends to visit our Legal Aid Booth as the booth is indeed relevant and helpful to them. 

In terms of the venue in which we opened our Legal Aid Booth, the Respondents rated 4 (11 Respondents which are at 22.9%) and rated 5 (37 Respondents 77.1%) whereby this shows that the destination is suitable to the Respondents as it was near to their class and the venue are also spacious, thus, it is convenient for the respondents to stop by while listening to our explanations. 

Lastly, we also asked for the Respondents' feedback and comments on our Legal Aid Booth. We could assess that the Respondents are all satisfied with our Legal Aid Booth as the feedback shows 41 Respondents rated 5 and 7 Respondents rated 4. We also received on-site feedback which the Respondents stated that they loved the event that we conducted. 


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Our group had a post-mortem meeting to discuss what went right and wrong after the event had been conducted. During the meeting, we discussed a few issues and what we could improve on. For instance, we realized that we should be more active in attracting the students to visit our booth. We also should be more confident to ask them to provide us with some time to get to know more about our Legal Aid Booth.

Not only that, another aspect that we can improve is to provide attractions such as games or prizes or lucky draws to attract more visitors to the booth. Fortunately, the overall assessment towards our event is that we received more Respondents than what we targeted and our event also went smoothly from the start until the end.

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