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Promotional Tools

We genuinely believed that social media was one of the channels via which we could communicate or engage with the target populations in general. Therefore, by utilising social media platforms, we will be able to share additional information about the issues discussed at our legal aid booth, which mostly focus on the execution of wills or wasiyyah in Malaysia, as well as promote the event to the UUM community quickly. For posting all the pertinent information, we had created an Instagram account, a Facebook page and a LinkedIn page. You can use the buttons below to visit our social media.

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​We had created a poster for promoting our event. The poster is crucial for informing the UUM community about how our event will be held. The poster provided the information about our Legal Aid Booth, including the date, time, and venue. In addition, the contact information was included. Anyone interested in learning more about our event is welcome to get in touch with us.


Furthermore, we design a banner as a promotional tool for our Legal Aid Booth. Banner is effective in promoting our Legal Aid Booth because of its size. It is noticeable instantly by others when they are passing by our booth since the banner is big enough to draw their attention. The information in the banner also brief and precise which allow someone to comprehend the knowledge that we are intending to spread through the booth.

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We also prepared several infographics that related to the execution of will or wasiyyah in Malaysia. This is important for the reference of the participants. They can refer to the infographics when we are explaining for certain information. This can help them to understand better. 

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