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Business Meeting

Data Analysis

From the data that we have collected through the Google Form survey, we made an analysis to assess the knowledge and understanding of the UUM Community towards the making of a will. From the survey, we managed to collect 102 responses in total. 

Section 1 

The first section is the demographic part of the survey where we collected personal information of the respondents. There are four questions that we asked for the respondents to fill in which are gender, race, age range and lastly, occupation. The responses for the first section will be shown below.  

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After distributing the survey to various respondents, we managed to collect 102 responses which can be divided to 79 female respondents which are equivalent to 77.5% and 23 male respondents which are equivalent to 22.5%. 

Our survey also managed to get participation from various races. Firstly, 47.1% are Chinese which can be total up to 48 respondents, 43.1% are Malay race which is equivalent to 44 respondents and 5.9% of the respondent is Indian race which amounted to 6 respondent and lastly, there are remaining 1% of the respondent from Siamese, Kadazan, Punjabi and Brunei which shares the same amount of respondent that is equivalent to 1 person. 

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From the figure, 73.5% of the respondents (equivalent to 75 respondents) are of age in between 21 to 25 years old. This age group contributed the highest as we mostly distributed our survey to those that are of same age of us. Next, 13.7% of the respondents which accumulate to 14 respondents are of aged between 18 to 20 years old. There are also 4 groups of respondent which consists of those who are aged of 26 to 30 years old (3.9% which equivalent to 4 respondents), 31 to 35 years old (2.9% that is equivalent to 3 people), 36 to 40 years old (4.9% which equivalent to 5 respondents) and lastly 1% for aged of 40 and above which equivalent to one respondent respectively who had responded to out survey throughout the time we distributed it. 

In terms of the occupation of our respondents, it can be seen that most of our respondents are the students of UUM itself which consist of 87.3% that is equivalent to 89 respondents in total. This is because, we distribute and spread the survey to the groups where mostly the students are the participants of it. Not only that, it is undeniable that students are also more familiar with answering online survey thus proving that they are the majority of our respondents. From the figure above, it can also be seen that our survey is not only limited to students but also to UUM lecturer, staff, worker, shop assistant and artis as to make up the UUM Community as a whole. 

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Section 2

The second section is the part where we test and assess the respondents' understanding on the general knowledge of the Law of Succession and Probate. We  provided few question for them to ponder upon and give their answer so that we can analyse their level of understanding so we can address the issue effectively as to help those who lack in knowledge with regards to this matter.  

From the responses obtained based on the survey conducted, it can be seen that majority of the respondents are aware of what is a will or a wasiyyah. 86.3% of the respondents which accumulates to 88 respondents are able to give the right answer which best defines the will itself. 

71.6 % of the respondent which equivalent to 73 respondents had responded that they have no knowledge with regards to the requirements in making a valid will or wasiyyah in Malaysia. Meanwhile, another 28.4% or 29 respondents showed that they know the requirements for a valid will. Since the requirements are essential, it is important for us to educate those who have no idea on this matter as majority responses showed so. 


Basically, to make a valid will or wasiyyah, there are 4 requirements that must be fulfilled which are the testator (al-musi), the beneficiary (al-muso lahu), the subject matter (al-muso bihi) and the offer and acceptance (sighah). These requirements are governed and explain under Section 6, Section 7, and Section 9 of the Muslim Wills (Selangor Enactment) 1999 respectively. 

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It cannot be doubt that having the knowledge and understanding about will or wasiyyah is essential in every person's life as it is a matter that is directly connected to our life. One must realize the importance of learning about will as to avoid any inconvenience to happen in the future especially with regards to the law of inheritance. Thus, from the survey above, it can be seen that majority of the respondents agreed that it is important for them to learn about will. The record was at 93.1% which amounted to 95 respondents. However, it can be seen that there are remaining 7 respondents (6.9%) that show their disapproval of the said statement. Therefore, upon seeing this, although they are the minority group of our respondents, it is necessary for us to educate those who still thinks lightly about the important of knowing how the law regarding will works. 

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