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Image by Timothy Hales Bennett

Pre Event

Social Media 

We planned to promote our poster through several platforms, including Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn, to attract our targeted community which is UUM community. The reason why we choose social media to promote instead of psychical platform to promote our legal aid booth event is because in the current climate of digital marketing, social media is more successful at generating interest in an event and has emerged as one of the most popular marketing strategies. By using these strategies, we hope to reach the auditions and stimulate their curiosity in going to these events. There were several examples of our social media profiles and posters are shown here.

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Liaise with Jabatan Pembangunan dan Penyenggaraan (JPP) for all necessary equipment

In preparing the legal aid booth event, we have applied an Application Letter to organize the legal aid booth for SULAM Project from School of Law, UUM.


Aside from that, we realized that in order to conduct legal aid booth, we need to have certain facilities such as chairs, table and some decoration such as table cloth.


After we have contacted the relevant authorities, we have realized that the venue of our legal aid booth is under the supervision of JPP, UUM.

Letter For Application To Conduct SULAM Programme from School of Law, UUM (SoL, UUM)

Therefore, we have applied the facilities needed for legal aid booth event by a application form called ("Borang Tempahan Ruang Guna Sama") from the JPP official website. We have mentioned which facilities in the said application form that we needed to use on the day of the legal aid booth event from the JPP at the hallway of DKG 1 at College of Business, UUM.


The list of equipment included tables, chairs and table cloth. Without this equipment, we might not be able to conduct our Legal Aid Booth. We were appreciative of JPP's efforts in helping us to acquire the requested equipment.

Application Form ("Borang Tempahan Ruang Guna Sama") from JPP official website
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Prepare Small Gift for Respondents

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It's interesting to point out that we also had some goodies ready for our Respondents who stopped by our legal assistance table. This is to express our sincere gratitude for their participation and interaction with us at the Legal Aid Booth; without them, our SULAM Project would not have been able to be successfully completed and our objectives would not have been met.

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