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In Progress

Based on our discussion, for our event, we decided to set up a "Legal Booth Aid" located at the hallway of DKG1, College of Business, UUM. Before we can proceed with setting up the legal booth, we need to make a formal application for the things that needed to be borrowed as to set up the booth. Therefore, we make an application to Jabatan Pembangunan dan Penyenggaraan (JPP), UUM by sending an official letter from the School of Law in which we requested it from Dr Azlina as the Coordinator of Sulam. Thus, herewith we attached the said letter for reference purposes.

Application Letter

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Justice Scale

Scope of Discussion

Scope of Discussion (1)_edited.jpg
Scope of Discussion (2)_edited.jpg

We have also prepared the scope of discussion for our legal aid booth event to ensure that our targeted UUM community have a better understanding on the topics area covered in the objectives stated in the proposal.

Design Tool


Canva is our main design tool in designing materials because it gives users access to a vast amount of free templates. Those free templates are essential for us to create and design anything we want. For the purpose of standardization, we prescribed the same colour theme and templates for our design. In addition, Canva enable us to do the design together at the same time. As such, each group member can edit the design until everyone is satisfied.

Courthouse Steps

Firm Logo

We have used Canva to design our firm logo. An attractive firm logo plays a vital role in grabbing the attention from public. 

httpsspencerco1950.wixsite.commy-site (1).png
httpsspencerco1950.wixsite.commy-site (2).png

In addition, we created several posts for promoting our website and introducing our team using Canva. This gives potential participants a better knowledge of who we are before we hold the event. 


Invitation to Lecturers

WhatsApp Image 2023-01-14 at 22.08.04.jpg

(Law of Succession and Probate)

WhatsApp Image 2023-01-14 at 22.07.39.jpg
WhatsApp Image 2023-01-14 at 22.07.23.jpg

(Alternative Dispute Resolution)


Our lecturers for the three courses, Law of Succession and Probate, Alternative Dispute Resolution, and Jurisprudence, which are related to the SULAM project, have been invited to visit our Legal Aid Booth on 15 December 2022. The invitation is made through WhatsApp.

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